
Our vision is to revolutionize and automate the loan servicing workflow of the global financial community.

Highlights from Shaw’s 2020 Conference

Remember when in-person conferences were still a thing? If you can remember all the way back to the first week of March, Shaw was lucky enough to have our User Conference in beautiful Tucson, Arizona just before COVID-19 changed everything. We would like to share some of the highlights and feedback with everyone. To our attendees, thank you so much for your continued business, and taking the time to celebrate in Partnership with us!

For Shaw Systems associates, we use the Shaw Conference to listen to all the insight our clients provide. Our banking and finance clients shared best-practices for both business and technology in our group settings. It is an opportunity for Shaw users and administrators to learn from Shaw Systems experts as well as their peers directly.

Our biennial conference is also the perfect setting for our partners to share what they are looking for next from the software, and from Shaw as an organization. Shaw considers itself lucky to have so many long-time clients willing to make clear the changing landscape of their business requirements. From technology, to compliance, to security, and customer behavior, we at Shaw gain insight into everything our clients are considering when maintaining and configuring their loan servicing software.

A crowd favorite is the Shaw ‘Test-Drive’. Here, we walk clients through new functionality, proofs of concepts, and we leverage their guidance to make investments in the software to continue to grow the systems’ capabilities. The Test-Drive allows clients to ask important questions directly with Shaw developers and business experts.

Because of how much has taken place since the conference, it seems like so long ago. Our client’s feedback has been tremendous, and the ideas for continued development and initiatives are still pouring in from our clients. We love taking a week to listen, learn, and thank our partners. Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed. We look forward to leveraging all the feedback to continue to make Shaw the best loan servicing and collections software provider in North America.