Dealer Floor Plan
Comprehensive wholesale dealer floor plan finance software
Shaw Systems offers a comprehensive floor plan wholesale finance solution including a self-service Dealer Portal. We are a respected leader in the auto finance software space with over four decades of experience. Our solution manages every aspect of the dealer wholesale floor plan servicing life cycle. Our fully integrated solution offers seamless support for the needs of the car dealers, auction, internal staff, and management.
Workflow Automation
The workflow features within our floor plan software facilitate account life cycle automation and streamline processes.
These items include:
- Dealer-level views and status information
- Workflow tasks and forms/workgroups/dashboards
- Queuing assignments and follow-up
- Checklists and pilot pop-up alerts
- Dealer, commitment, and unit status information
- Vendor assignment/document processing
Shaw workflow handles process flows that are both linear and branching. Processes which include dealer selection, smart data-entry, and follow-up, can be automated with user-defined selections.
Common floor plan workflow automation areas include:
- Dealer service request
- Dispute processing
- Extensions/due date change
- Modifications/charge-off
- Bankruptcy/placement
- Repossession/recovery/transfers
Solution Highlights:
- Modern web-based application including a self-service Dealer Portal
- Automatic unit set-up from ACH dealer
- Workflow automation tools for managing the entire dealer, line of credit, and unit life cycle
- Real-time and nightly queue assignments for account management and service
- Pop-up alerts for dealer, account, and unit information
- User-defined dealer, line of credit, and unit activity tracking features including checklists
- Support for both dealer and mega-dealer relationships
- Unlimited curtailment plans and fee capabilities
- User-defined dealer, line of credit, and collateral screens
- Dealer cash management interest bearing account capabilities
- Dealer-to-dealer unit transfer capabilities including mass transfers
- Consolidated billing and payments for dealers and mega-dealers
- Online vehicle valuation integration
- Automated dealer ACH processing
- Integration with vehicle audits
- Full delinquency management capabilities including tracking collections & recoveries
Dealer Portal Features:
- Line of credit and cash management account summary
- Vehicle add & payoff features
- Inventory report with export capabilities
- Billing statements linked to ACH with payment options
- Historical line of credit and vehicle history tracking
- Unit stock number maintenance
- Cash management account transfers
- On demand dealer unit reports
Key Features:
- Real-time modern system
- 360° view of dealer relationships
- Units/lines of credit/dealers/mega-dealers
- Automated unit boarding file capabilities
- Optional modules for retail servicing/collections/recovery
- Adaptable to your processes